Twist Screw Piles


TWIST Developments Inc. believes in giving back to the community. We’ve been fortunate to grow steadily over the years, and its been due largely to the support we receive from loyal clients, staff and business partners in our community. It is with gratitude that we are staunch supporters of the very people who have helped us along the way.

What's new?

 Leduc 4-H Beef Club

Twist Developments is a proud supporter of the Leduc 4-H Beef Club, an organization that offers kids, ages 9-21, firsthand experience in vital agricultural skills such as feeding, vaccines, and general care of their animals. In addition, club members learn the basics of financial investment and whether or not their eventual sale results in a profit or loss. These are skills that not only introduce kids to commerce, but allow them to break out of their shell and develop their social skills. As the club motto goes, the kids “Learn to do by doing”, and Twist couldn’t be happier to take part.
Led by co-founder of TDI and former 4-H Club member, Derek Waters, Twist was pleased to acquire two incredible steers this year! These two beauties were raised by members Cade Dublanko and Antonio Lefebvre. We were also fortunate enough to purchase a small Clever Project offered by a similar division that welcomes participants younger than 9 years of age. They start ’em early!
As an active community supporter, Twist is grateful to be able to give back. Much of our business helps the farming community by providing an assortment of high quality screw piles for grain bins, building foundations, and center-pivot irrigation systems, but by working directly to help kids in the Leduc 4-H Beef Club, we feel this is a valuable investment in our collective future. Congratulations to this year’s club members!
-Cris Arrau

Giving back to the Community


4-H & Local Youth Programs

We subscribe to the belief that our youth are our most important investment. TWIST is proud to support the 4-H Alberta Club, a comprehensive program developed to help enrich the lives of our community’s youth through multiple support streams.

Mentorship & Services

TWIST has been proud to donate welding services for infrastructure support, targeted speaking engagements, and an in-house mentorinship program for youth interested in pursuing a career in welding/fabricating. The 4-H Alberta program is a vital organization determined to better our children’s future, and we could not be happier to help.

green work

Agriculture Partnership

TWIST Developments, in partnership with GreenWork Farm has been pleased to donate fresh organic food to various local Food Banks in Alberta. GreenWork Farm remains dedicated to strengthening our community by providing high quality farm products and employment opportunities to young adults with learning challenges.

Landmark Rescue

In addition to supporting various youth-oriented initiatives, TWIST has also contributed to the repair and maintenance of local Heritage Buildings such as the Leduc Grain Elevator, a prominent provincial Landmark and one of the last of its kind constructed in the 20th century.


Visit us again for more news and events coming soon!